Sunday, August 1, 2010


I get songs stuck in my head all the time. Almost daily. A few years ago I heard someone call the song stuck in their head an "earworm". I immediately latched onto this term. It is pretty gross sounding, but having a song, especially an annoying song, stuck in one's head is pretty disturbing too. Fortunately, I seem to get a good mix of good songs and fewer annoying songs. This week will be an exception. It is Vacation Bible School week. A week full of songs about good things like trust, love, caring, discipleship, and sharing. A week full of songs that are very repetitious, and these songs get stuck and become earworms on steroids. I should feel bad about complaining these virtue extolling songs, but I do not because ever since I played the VBS CD to get familiar with the songs, the theme song "wormed" me. So for a few days I have found myself singing "It's a Baobab, It's a Baobab Blast....". I will not give you all the lyrics, but those are the sticky ones. Even the kids roll their eyes at me as I try to sing it out of my head. By the way, "singing it out" does not work with VBS songs, it just makes you do the hand motions and dance steps. So as much as I love VBS and doing the science activities with the kids, the songs haunt me. I know I will have a great time this week, I just hope that the songs will quit "worming" me. I wish you all an earworm-free week.

1 comment:

  1. I can see you singing and doing the dance step with the hand motions!! (with the glooves on of course)! :)

    Great blog!!
