There are no "sacred cows" for me...if I can find a humorous take on something, I am going for it. Sorry in advance. I am generally harmless.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
All Wrapped Up!
As I mentioned this a generation skipping talent, and the next generation of super-wrapper is my very own daughter. Yesterday school was closed because of snow and I put the present wrapping prodigy to work. She wrapped gifts of all sizes and shapes with ease. Every now and then she would call for more tape, a specific type of paper or ribbon, or her "special scissors". I would oblige her wishes, as to not upset the gift artist at work. I brought her snacks and beverages, so she could keep up her strength. At one point I felt I may have been taking advantage of her when I almost made her wrap one of her own presents that was in a nondescript shirt box. Something stopped me, it may have been my conscience, but more likely my belief that she would peek in the box and spoil a perfectly good Christmas surprise.
Do I miss not having the gift wrapping gene? Not really. I am blessed to born into a time where gift bags are the norm, and can easily be purchased at the card store. However, if I could enjoy wrapping like my mother and daughter seem to, it sure would make this time of year more fun. Happy wrapping my little elves!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Five for Friday
- Doctors offices can leave you on hold forever and you will take it because you feel awful. Any other place you would hang up or be an real pain in the a** when the person finally picks up the line. However, you are sick and desperate, they know it and take advantage of your weakened condition. It is not right, it just is.
- Real, measurable snow has fallen in my neighborhood. I have a very happy six year old. The dog now spins out when she corners, just like a fast car. Unlike a fast car, she just gets up and keeps on tearing around doing her "hot laps". Then she comes in the house and promptly falls asleep.
- How many presents have I wrapped? Exactly zero. Which strangely enough is the same amount of cookies I have made, and outside lights I have strung. I am three ghost visits away from being Ebenezer Scrooge. I need holiday spirit in a bottle, perhaps a Shiraz will do it.
- I am suppose to go to a show tonight because I am married to a rock star (that sidelines as an engineer). Unfortunately, I am currently in a very claustrophobic mood, so the thought of standing in a crowd makes me have heart palpitations. However, I fully plan on rallying and going. If you see me there and I am antsy, it is not you it is me. I have my quirks and they come and go in waves.
- I cheated on my hairdresser yesterday. I was in need of a haircut, really just a trim of the bad ends so I went to the local beauty school and got a $10 student cut. That is one quarter of what I generally pay my regular stylist. This has all been justified by my fervent belief that since it was just a trim and not a full cut & style change, my real stylist can forgive me. She is a mother of two and I am sure that she also feels the budget tighten this time of year. I do not like to stray from my set budget, but I also to not like having split ends. Its all about choices.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wicked Wednesday
- Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney and Wings. The back beat, the tune, the whole thing makes my jaw tighten. The mood is never right for this song. I say this as a person that loves The Beatles, and Paul. This song just sucks.
- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. The little girl voice, the words, pretty much everything about this songs gives me the creeps. I get that it supposed to be daddy dressed as Santa, and that disturbs me even more. If my spouse gets in a Santa suit and even looks like he is going to kiss me, there will be trouble.
- Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. Just awful. Enough said.
- I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. WHY??? Hippos are huge, poor tempered beasts that will charge and kill you. Also, the annoying kid singing (again).
- Jingle Cats and Jingle Dogs. I lump them together because both are simply wretched. I see my dog and cat actually cringe when they hear these songs. It must be the animal equivalant of the American Idol audition where the tone deaf person is belting out Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You. I cringe, and cry for that person's pride. Clearly, animal cruelty. I am sure several animals were injured or killed in the making of those two songs.
- Holly Jolly Christmas. I do not like Burl Ives.
- Santa's Beard. The Beach Boys. To much repetion, to contrived, gets stuck in my head and that is never good. The Beach Boys should have stuck to surfing and car songs.
Those are the major offenders in my world. Thank you for indulging my wicked rant. May your holiday be free of songs that make you miserable. Just be thankful it is only for 4-6 weeks of each year.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Seasonal Disorder Disorder
- Sweating and/or severe shakes when more that three catalogs appear in the mailbox at one time.
- Stomach cramps when seeing a carton of egg nog.
- The urge to actually deck someone when the song "Deck the Halls" comes on the radio.
- Hives when coming within 10 feet of a Christmas sweater.
- Avoidance of all friends and relatives that have been done with their holiday shopping since the day after Thanksgiving.
- The urges to, or fantasies about stabbing inflatable lawn decorations.
As much I sincerely believe that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, and not about decorations, gifts, and the other secular things, every year I become frenzied and disorderly. I have prayed about being better. I have learned to lock myself away, or take a walk, or read a book when I get frenzied instead of taking it out on my family. If you suffer from SDD, you are not alone. Many highly competent, intelligent people suffer along with you. We may never be able to fully find the tools and stability to manage this hectic season. Alas, Christmas will come, and all will be right with the world. Lets just hope we are not too dizzy from all the whirl of activity to enjoy the important things.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Six for Saturday
- Confession is good for the soul, here is my confession. Cleaning for company is the only way my house gets super clean. Yes, I regularly clean bathrooms, the kitchen, vacuum, and dust, however, I shirk my "heavy cleaning" duties unless we have company coming. Then I pull out all the stops and move furniture and down to the nitty grity. Perhaps I need to entertain weekly? Maybe that can be a "possible resolution".
- I am giving up sugar after the New Year. January 2nd to exact. My birthday is the 1st so I am not ruining that day, getting older, and constant football is punishment enough. The reason I am quitting the sweet stuff is to try to tame my sweet tooth and to see if I can do it. Hopefully health benefits will follow that will make it worth all the suffering. However, I am not calling this a New Year's resolution, because I decided to do this back on October. I just chose a start date that would allow me to enjoy dark chocolate peppermint bark...a holiday must. Yes, I do have my priorities.
- Christmas shopping. UGH. I formerly liked shopping. Going to the mall and just browsing the shops was fun and even a bit relaxing. Somewhere along the way I discovered that ordering things online is far simpler. The mall makes me manic, it is just too much or everyting. I still shop, from the comfort of my own home. The only store I still truly like to visit in person is a bookstore. I can spend hours in a bookstore, especially if there is a coffee bar.
- The first snow fall has hit the area. Granted, it can only be called flurries, no real accumulation. Snow is a delightful thing for me. I grew up in an place that had lots of lake effect snow from Lake Michigan. Sledding, shovelling, and making snow forts are some of my favorite things. Hopefully, we will get a good dumping of snow soon. I am in a minority being an adult that loves snow, but hey, I am what I am. What do you expect from Baby New Year?
- Neck tattoos. Ouch and more ouch. I am pretty okay with tattoos, below the neck. Lately I have seen more and more face and neck tats. It used to be that just face piercings that gave me the willies, but now I must add face and neck tattoos. Maybe I will get a tattoo in 2011? That is not really a resolution, or even a good idea unless it is significant and below the neck.
- Harry Potter 7 (aka The Deathly Hallows). Rocked the house. I am a Potterhead. We caught this bit of cinematic and CGI wonderfulness over the Thanksgiving holiday. Loved the books, and now the movies are finally keeping up with the books. The first couple movies in the Potter series were lacking, but it is evolving. I am very excited to see the conclusion in July 2011. I am also sad to see the conclusion because this book series is truly magical for readers bothyoung and old.
Cheers! Have a great weekend. This was a one glass post, so I am heading off for a refill.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I Am Not Doing It
- I will wait in line to ride pretty much any rollercoaster. I love rollercoasters. They make me terrified and happy all at the same time. The bigger the better. I do not even mind the slightly sick and disoriented feeling that happens after the ride is over. Rollercoasters, worth the wait.
- I will wait in line for most Disneyland and Walt Disney World attractions. The exceptions being Its A Small World (can't handle the music) and a few other Fantasyland attractions. Disney is amazing. It is a place that makes you want to comeback the moment you leave. It is very special.
- I will wait in line at the Secretary of State's office. I am the designated "waiter" for the family. The only reason I do not mind waiting is because I do not want to pay for a ticket for not having the proper tags on the vehicles. Not because I love driving, because I do not like to drive, but that is a post for another day.
- I will wait in line at the grocery, but only if there is only one or two people ahead of me. I get really antsy if I am the fourth or fifth person in line. I have left the store when my only option is to be sixth in line or worse. No joke, it causes anxiety. Generally, this is not an issue.
Waiting in line is just not something I do. Not much makes it worthwhile for me. I wish you all luck with your Black Friday sales and I hope you get the deals you are wanting. Perhaps I can muster some Cyber Monday spirit and get some deals from the comfort of my living room.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 19, 2010
5 for Friday
- The cold has returned to the great state of Michigan. Gloves and heavy jackets are becoming the usual. I wish I were a little kid so I could justify buying a new coat every year. I like winter jackets. They are so warm and cozy. However, I have not outgrown a coat in many moons. I guess I should be glad about it, but I really just want to buy a new coat for me every time I get a new coat for the kids. My winter wear is in good shape and classically I will be warm and happy with what I have.
- Do your kids look up when you tell them to go find their shoes? Lately, I have said, "Go put your shoes and coat on we are going NOW". I walk in the back room to find a young boy in a jacket looking up at the ceiling saying, "I can't find my shoes". I am not sure if this is a phase, or if I should put a shoe rack on the ceiling, but it is going make me nuts. I calmly point out the floor is a more likely place to find shoes. Then suddenly the shoes are found, on the floor. Not on the shoe rack, because only a silly fool would put their shoes on a neat rack. It may just be the tipping point issues that gets me in the straitjacket in the very quiet place. Perhaps I have a hidden gift for basket weaving.
- Dinner is overrated. Yes, I like sitting around the table with my family hearing about the happenings at school and work. However, I am over making this meal. I will continue to make dinner, but I need some divine intervention to make me enjoy the cooking arts.
- Have you ever noticed just when you are fed up with your hair you suddenly get complements on the style or color or both? I am at that point, and now my most trusted friends have made comments that they really like the length and color. Now I have the dilemma of getting it cut against their advice. Will anyone rebel and never speak to me again? Probably not. Perhaps I will send an e-mail thanking them for liking my hair (split ends and all) and let them know I am cutting it against friend advice, and I will take responsibility for any bad results.
- I am very excited about Thanksgiving this year. I have made a point of listing at least one thing I am grateful for everyday in November. I have listed one thing as my facebook status, and also recorded things in a journal. This activity has made me I am pretty blessed. I already knew that, but the abundance of good people and things in my life is just crazy. Crazy good stuff. I hope that you have an abundance of good stuff in your life. I am even grateful for the annoying stuff, like vacuuming up pet fur. The pets bring so much joy to the whole family they are worth the extra cleaning. Count you blessings, I guarantee you will lose count before you are even close to done counting.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It's Not That Gross...yes it is
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
"It Will Get Better"
Anyway, I love the message, "it will get better". I recall being a teen and often feeling distraught over squabbles with a boyfriend, or friends that were being "meanies", or numerous other issues that happen when you are a teen. It was a dramatic time. It was a confusing time. Thankfully, it was a moment in time, and it got better. Truth be told, being a teenager really is quite awful. If you can endure age 12-18, you can do anything. People are mean. Hormones are garbage. It is a very hard time. Whether you are gay, straight, or uncertain. It gets better. The media people are not full of it, it will all get better. Strangely at some point during my first year of college so many of my insecurities and self-conscious issues fell away. There was some moment that I realized all I am, good, bad and indifferent, added up to one pretty awesome person. I also realized that everyone does not have to love me or approve of me. Suddenly, my life got better. The distance from high school drama, made so many things better. Perfect? No. Still have not hit on the "perfect life" yet. It all gets better. Life gets sweeter with time.
I want all teenagers to know whether they are straight, gay, popular, the loner, the nerd, or whatever label that have been assigned that it gets better. High School is just a moment. Endure it. It will make you stronger. Yes, it can suck pretty bad. However, we all have a higher purpose and it is not necessarily to be prom kings and queens. It is okay to be different. I personally only like really unique people that see the world in cool and different ways. No, being unique is not easy in high school, but it will get better. You will find your place in the world. You will find a community. You will find your peeps. Then you will find your wings. Don't give up.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sweet Puppy Doggers

Monday, October 25, 2010
Halloween also annoys me because of all the candy. The kids seem very happy to collect tons of candy, count it, sort it, and trade it. I am then saddled with the task of slowly throwing it away in increments so small that it will not be noticed. Everyday, grabbing handfuls, making sure that some really precious treat is not accidentally tossed. No way in hell are the kids going to eat all that candy, and neither is my spouse (much to his dismay). Sure, they love to trick or treat, but honestly I look forward to the time they are no longer interested. I am sick of my deceptive candy removal tactics. It makes me feel sneaky and cheap, but their teeth will thank me later.
I apologize for no joyful post about the fun costumes and excitement about sweet treats. I can't love everything. However, I am starting my countdown to Thanksgiving. That is a holiday I really love. Family, food, thankfulness, and football, that is the recipe for a great holiday. Truth be told I really just enjoy the football for background noise for my Thanksgiving turkey induced nap. I will suffer through Halloween on my excited march to Thanksgiving Thursday.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
5 Random Thoughts
- The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Yes, I have been sucked back into this silliness. These ladies faces do not move. Each looks a bit more plastic than the one before. I am pretty glad that my friends do not look like these gals. I like to make people laugh and I am pretty sure that the cast of this show can only give give vapid, pleasant looks. Please stop me if I ever say I am getting botox or other injected facial fillers. Just give my a blank plastic stare to remind me why. Thanks in advance.
- I have a new favorite pair of shoes!!! They are leopard with big gaudy clear jewels. Sounds tacky, looks awesome. These shoes make an outfit. Leopard goes with nothing, so it goes with everything. I declare these shoes my fall fashion statement. I am only making one statement per season. Generally I do it with a purse, but perhaps footwear will be my new way to express my inner fashionista.
- The new dog. Ninja is really getting along well with the family. It is nice to be adored and appreciated. The cat is lovely, but not into worshiping her family. Retired racers are a very laid back bunch. She is happy to go for walks, play, eat, and sleep. Which is good because we are good at all of those things too. Greyhounds may be a thin breed, but they are very food motivated. I have never seem a dog run to full food dish as fast as she does.
- I re-discovered Chicken Shwarma sandwiches. I went to lunch with my mom last week and had this taste treat. How I had forgotten about chicken shwarma, I do not know. I am glad to have it back on my culinary map. The downside of shwarma is the extreme amount of garlic. Yes, it is a taste treat, but I feel like I need to apologize to everyone who encounters me for the rest of the day. It is a couples food, so if you and your beloved have it together the garlic is a non-issue.
- Poltergeist. The movie. I watched it a week ago. I think I saw it back in the early to mid-1980's and I was scared then. It still freaks me out. The clown is the worst. The TV people...eek!!! The most disturbing thing is my daughter watched it and thought it was "no big deal". WHAT? She must have inherited the bravery gene from my husband. I have a triple dose of the "chicken sh**" gene. I will stick with Nightmare Before Christmas. I think that movie is scary, but it is animated, so its not real.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New Addition
Friday, October 15, 2010
Mining for Trouble
My point is that the media is taking an event that has so many positive messages and stories of personal triumph, and making it cheap and icky. The man who had one too many ladies waiting for him, was apparently the underground pseudo-doctor when they were trapped. I am sure that each man in the mine had a function that aided in the survival of the group. Why can't that be the focus of the media and not the very human, moral shortcomings of these men that occurred above ground in their private lives? I am sick of the tawdry side of the story always being the lead on the news. Can I change this? I guess I could stop watching and reading the news, but that would just make me uninformed. Ignorance is suppose to be bliss. Right? Anyway, I still believe it is a miracle that all of these men could be saved from such a disaster. Hopefully, each will take this second chance and make a positive contribution to his community. This very strong example of getting a second chance makes me want make the most of each day. I do not need to personally be buried alive for 70 days to take away that valuable lesson.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Procrastination is my friend. It works for me and has for more years than I care to admit. Somehow the pressure of a very real, imminent deadline makes me feel alive. All through college I put off writing papers until the last minute. Sure I would do research and make outlines, but the actual paper was nothing until 24 to 48 hours before it was due. Packing for vacations is always the night before or the morning of departure. I know people who plan out all the things they need to bring and have their bags packed days before departure. This doesn't work for me. Sure, I am excited to go, but why do I want to walk around a packed suitcase for days prior to going? I don't. I like the pressure of getting all together, right under the wire. Perhaps I am crazy for embarrassing procrastination. Perhaps someday procrastinating will bite me in the a**. Until that happens, I will be walking past all the people doing yard work, enjoying my day. The pressure will get to me. It will get done. In my own time.
Monday, October 11, 2010
In My Opinion...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Lunchtime Loner
How do you feel about solitude? Is there any particular time or situation that you feel lonely? Here is to hoping you have the correct balance of solitude and chaos in your life.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I Am Beautiful
Hopefully the rest of you figured out the whole beauty thing sooner than I did. 25 years is a long time to feel not beautiful. If not then think about it. Each of us is beautiful, and no one can take that from us. Time can not steal your beauty. Cosmetics can not give you beauty you do not already have. Its all about letting your heart light shine.
Go forth and be beautiful!
Monday, October 4, 2010
- Coffee is hot and Michigan is generally cold, so that is natural match.
- Coffee can be served over ice during the three months when Michigan is hot.
- Coffee is a non-offensive social beverage. Most people can tolerate coffee in its caffeinated or decaffeinated form or go for a hot chocolate or tea option at a coffee house. So you have an option for your non-boozing friends.
- You can add booze to coffee. I am both sides of the coin person. A nice Irish Coffee or Mexican Coffee is a welcome end of day beverage.
- Coffee is an all day drink. You can not sip on gin & tonics all day without some pretty harsh judgement, not to mention impairing your own judgement.
- Juan Valdez and his donkey (or should I say, burro). Just a classic coffee commercial.
- Fun coffee mugs (already covered that one)
- The stimulant effect of caffeine. Never underestimate the importance of being awake and alert (even hyper-alert)
- The smell of coffee. Not only does it say, "Good Morning, my love". Coffee beans are a great deodorizer for refrigerator, and other areas of the house. I have put coffee beans in stinky shoes. It works.
- My ladies coffee group. These ladies completely rock. It is super cheap therapy and a lot of fun. So I will give coffee credit for this group, but we might meet up over other beverages too.
Tip back a steaming mug or two, and make your own list of reasons of why coffee is king!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Word, It's Wednesday
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Word, It's Wednesday
Monday, September 20, 2010
Stinky Situation
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Thing About Monday...
Friday, September 10, 2010
Fine Line Friday
- There is a fine line between appropriate information and too much information. Case and point, my sinus filling comment. That was gross and too much information. The person that says, "I was sick over the weekend", and the person that says, "I had diarrhea all weekend". Both statements are brief, convey an illness, and an assumed bad weekend, but only one makes the listener want to run for the hills.
- There is a fine line between hot coffee and "just right" temperature coffee. First, lets establish that I take my coffee black, so no cold liquids hit my coffee. The first sip of black coffee from home or from a coffee shop is always tongue scorching hot. Which is how coffee gets properly brewed, thus necessary. So coffee must sit for a proper amount of time to reach its "just right" temperature. Unfortunately, this "just right" temp can easily be missed if one gets a phone call, a needy child, or any variety of interruption. If I had a nickle for every cold cup of coffee I have consumed, I would be a millionaire.
- There is a fine line between being a cat lover and a crazy cat person. The difference here is one cat. Cat lovers can have up to two cats. The third cat puts you in the crazy cat person category. This is especially apparent if you are a single woman, thus making you the crazy cat lady. This is a fine line because cats are small, and most households could hold several cats. It would be fairly easy to take in every stray cat that shows up. However, my belief (and fear) that I could become a crazy cat person keeps the feline population here to only one.
So there are a few fine line situations. I will keep looking for them and periodically posting them. Have a great weekend.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Happy Happy, Joy Joy
- School (finally) started today.
- All parties are pleased with the teacher placements.
- No one complained that I forgot to pack a snack today.
- Everyone is going to school ALL DAY tomorrow.
- The after school activity calendar has not given me heart palpitations this year (yet).
- I can share shoes with my daughter.
So that is it, all good stuff. I said it would be a quickie...hope it was good for you too.
Happy New School Year!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
No...I'm Not Joking
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Word...It's Wenesday
Monday, August 30, 2010
No More Plastic Cups
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Word...It's Wednesday
Monday, August 23, 2010
Get Back to School Already!!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Word...It's Wednesday
Monday, August 16, 2010
Catching Up...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Word...It's Wednesday
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Even I Say, WOW!

- Nobody is always right, and nobody is always wrong.
- Saying sorry doesn't mean that you are admitting being wrong, it means your admitting to being a jerk, and that is okay. Jerks should be sorry and admit it, so they can go back to being decent people.
- Being a couple is the priority. Raising kids is important, but the kids will leave when they are 18. Make sure your spouse does not want to leave with them.
- Love and Like are not always co-existent. I know that there have been days we do not like each other, but we always love each other.
- Laugh. Pretty much everything in a relationship is fair game after a certain point. We are at that point, and it is awesome.
- You do not have to do everything together. Separate interests keep life interesting.
- You do need to do some things together. Otherwise you are roommates and co-parents (if you have kids)
- You can go to bed mad, just don't make a habit of it.
- Compromise means nobody is happy with the outcome. Give and Take means only one person is miserable at a time. I prefer Give & Take. It works in my favor half the time.
- "Love keeps no record" (that is Biblical). Get over the past arguments, score keeping, and other destructive behaviors. A couple is a team, do not sabotage your teammate.
So, that is what I have learned from 15 years of wedded bliss. Not all easy lessons, but worthwhile. I can honestly say that today I am more in love with Nick than I was 15 years ago. Yes, that sounds sappy, but it is 100% true.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Recommended Reading
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Accidental Twi-hard

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Poking Bears
Friday, July 23, 2010
This Not That
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Word...Its Wednesday
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Rummaging Through
Friday, July 16, 2010
One Good Thing
Thursday, July 15, 2010
To Puppy or Not to Puppy
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Word...Its Wednesday
Monday, July 12, 2010
Pack A Bag
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hotter than...
- My absolute least favorite is the old man in the grocery store parking lot saying, "Hot enough fer ya?". How do you answer that? When it is scorching hot I really do not want to make quippy weather talk with the elderly gentlemen of the world? No, I do not, and yes, it IS hot enough for me. The sweat river flowing down my back should indicate that I am sufficiently hot (and not in a good way). Shouldn't old people be inside on hot days? Isn't it a health hazard for the very young and the very old to be out in extreme temperatures? Hot weather also makes me so crabby that my wrath can turn on kindly old people.
- Back to funny hot phraseology. Hot enough to fry an egg on a sidewalk. That one is good because at least once a year some TV weatherperson will try it on television. Even a non-scientist knows that generally to fry (not slowly cook) an egg the pan needs to be around 300 degrees. I am pretty sure the sidewalk does not get to 300 degrees...even on a super hot day. But that is just good fun.
- The most annoying phrase is, "Its not so much the heat, its the humidity that bothers me". I used this one for years until I realized it is both that bother me. Anyone that still believes that the humidity is the issue needs to stick their head in a hot oven. Ovens produce a dry heat, and its also miserable. Humidity does add a certain nasty twist to a hot day. The frizzy hair, the constant sweaty feeling, and the urge to do nothing but sit in front of a fan or AC unit; does not make for a productive day. A scorching dry heat does not seem like it would be a great motivator either. I can't say that I have a lot of experience with "dry heat" being a life long Michigan girl. Let us just put the heat and humidity into the same category- the yuck category.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Word...Its Wednesday
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
This One Time at Church Camp...
This year I decided to try new things, well at least things that I do not normally do, even if the rest of the world does. Camping with my family is one thing I have never done. Yes, I went to summer camp as a child. I have even gone on weekend camping trips with my daughter's Girl Scout troop. However, we have never as a family gone camping. Luckily, our church has a Family Camp trip each summer over the 4th of July. Of course for years I have found reasons not to go to Family Camp, this year I had run out of we camped. Let me tell you it takes a lot (a ton) of stuff to camp. I would list it, but the rest of you most likely have camped so you know already all the stuff. Here is what you may not know, camping with a bunch of other families from church is hilarious. I will share just a few of the observations I made while in the "wilderness".
- What happens at Family Camp stays at Family Camp. Its like Vegas with more trees, and less electricity...but pretty much the same amount of "adult beverages". If offered a trip to Las Vegas or another camping trip...well even this lover of modern conveniences would have a hard time picking
- Completely disregarding the confidentiality statement in point #1, (sorry, rules are meant to be broken). Five grown adults can amuse themselves for about and hour trying to get a dead hanging branch out of a tree. The best tools to use for such a task are a basketball and a football , and not a flip flop (in case you are ever in this situation). This activity will also be looked upon as a "public service" by the five adults, because who knows when that branch may have fallen out of the tree and caused untold harm to an unsuspecting passerby? The passersby observing this activity will look upon it as complete tomfoolery.
- Kids whine a lot less when they are running around filthy with other kids their age. They also sleep like the dead and do not complain about what food they are served. In other words, nature can pretty much work miracles.
- Cleanliness is relative when camping. I averaged a couple showers a day and some swimming and still managed to feel pretty filthy all the time. Fortunately, there is a lovely drink made from hops and barley that helps one care a bit less that there is a skim of dirt all over there legs and feet.
- Spending a few days disconnected from computers, TV's, and other technology is surprisingly easy. Yes, my phone was on, but was used more as a "walkie talkie" to check on the kids or find out where the fun was happening across camp. Sure I could have bought real walkie talkies, but the mobile phones worked fine. Sitting around playing cards and talking with friends is far more entertaining than any television show or movie.
Camping has gained another convert! It is a church camp miracle! That being said, please do not expect to run into me on a remote backwoods trail carrying all my gear in a back pack, and digging holes to use as a toilet. I am a Lutheran, and I would protest that.