There are no "sacred cows" for me...if I can find a humorous take on something, I am going for it. Sorry in advance. I am generally harmless.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It's Not That Gross...yes it is
Lately I catch myself doing something, generally something unpleasant, and think, "Wow, twenty years ago I would have NEVER done this". I am talking about mundane, but gross things like cleaning the hair and gunk out of a slow drain, picking up dog feces in the backyard and on walks (as cars drive by and see me picking up dog feces), cleaning up the hairballs the cat horks up weekly, and the gross list of tasks goes on. My life has turned into a real life Dirty Jobs, minus Mike Rowe's witty commentary and assistance. The thing that really got me thinking about this devolution into grossness that is my life, is seeing a truck for a business called "Doody Calls". This sole purpose of this company is to come to your yard and scoop the poop and cart it away. I mentioned to my husband that such a business seems silly, because why pay money for something you can do yourself. Then I started thinking, twenty years ago I would have thought that was a brilliant idea and a much needed service. Apparently, I used to be a princess or something, and now I am proudly a self-sufficient, no nonsense person with a very large capacity for grossness. Perhaps I should be ashamed of my lack of squeamishness. I can hear my grandmother from the beyond saying, "Now Allie, that is not very ladylike". My paternal grandmother was the epitome of ladylike. She did not scoop the poop (she also did not have a dog), or clean the drains. She had help for those things. I would feel bad having someone come in and clean up my messes, and after my dog. Sure, I know when I am outmatched and I need to call a plumber or other professional. However, for the day to day gross, but necessary tasks, I am the hero. The iron willed, strong stomached hero who can vanquish vomit, defeat drains, and execute excrement. We all have our super powers, mine are just super gross.
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