I love dogs. I have often claimed I was raised by retrievers (both Golden and Labrador). And I would say those dogs did a fine job. Dogs just make me smile. They are happy go lucky. They are always glad when you come home, and rarely complain about dinner. Dogs are perfect. Alas, I have been dogless for two years now. Oddly I never noticed all the responsibility of dog ownership when a dog was a part of my daily routine. No longer do I have to look at my watch and scurry home to let out a dog, before my floors paid the price. Vacations cost less because no boarding fees at the kennel are needed. No longer does the yard need "poop patrol" before mowing or having the kids play (no one misses "poop patrol"). None of these inconveniences bothered me when I had a dog. However, now as a ponder a puppy, I am thinking, "What am I thinking?". Sure the sweet smell of puppy is like heaven to me. The kids would be thrilled. We have names, okay we have so many names we may need to adopt a whole liter of puppies. Yoda, the haughty Himalayan, would be less than thrilled to have to train a new dog, but she would. House training, and poop patrol, kennel fees, and clock watching would become a part life again...and there is the rub. Talk of puppies started in February, and since then the reasons to delay began. Spring, just got away from us. Summer is just too busy with camps, vacations, upcoming wedding (Betsy's not mine, I am good in the wedded department). So October looks like the "best time" to puppy it up, but who knows what autumn will bring. It is beginning to seem like "the best time" to get a puppy does not exist. Much like "the best time" to do anything. Life is pretty good now, certainly not simple and easy, but not overwhelming. Would the benefit of a canine companionship outweigh the added responsibilities and time constraints? I do not know. Help me out, with the question: To puppy or not to puppy?
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