Thursday, September 16, 2010


Sorry about no words on Wednesday for two weeks now. Back to school is kicking my rear. I need to find a rhythm, lose my "to do" list, and get back to writing! I write this as I am eating a quick lunch before my volunteer session at the older one's school. Time management is not my strong point. September is my least favorite month because it points out this flaw...repeatedly. I hope to wrangle all the activities and commitments into a sensible schedule. This year my writing is going to get slotted as well, or it won't happen. I have proven that already. So put yourself on your list, calendar, or whatever method you use to make sense of time. Whatever it is that you are passionate about, pencil, NO PEN, it in so you can step back from the frantic pace and have some "you time". I know you deserve it and we are all better people when we nuture ourselves.

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