The title says it all, resolutions are for chumps. It has taken me many years to realize this particular fact. I can be a little slow to catch on sometimes, but never with witty comeback. I do plan on making some changes in 2013, tweaking my lifestyle, cleaning up, throwing out, eating less, moving more...all the good stuff. However, I refuse to call any of it a "resolution" because as soon as I do it will become a point of rebellion. Yes, I am even a petulant child with myself (I am sure this fact is of great comfort and humor to my parents). No one likes to hear "no" or "you can not" or "you should not" or "you must" and the worst "it is good for you". All of these things cause a rebellion in my soul. I do not need my soul to rebel. Along with the rebellion in the soul, is the fact that falling off the resolution wagon makes people stop making progress. I say so what if you mess up, start over again. In the past I have set dates for areas to be cleaned, pounds to be lost, and other goals, and when the goal was not achieved said, "Suck it. I am done", and then was completely annoyed and mad at myself. Thus leaving a half cleaned out closet, and frustration. No more big plan. No more dates. I am just doing. I fully accept that I am going to make poor choices, slack off, and be human. I am cool with that, and I will keep plugging away and making progress.
Perhaps mostly I am learning about being forgiving of myself. Actually allowing myself to be human. It is amazing how cruel we can be to ourselves. How harshly we judge ourselves. It sets us back when we beat ourselves up constantly over little things. If I was as cruel to others as I have been to myself I would not have a friend in the whole world, or a husband, or custody of my children. I admit I have been a beast to myself. My inner voice (and we all have one, do not call me crazy) has at times been a soul crusher. Yes, I have crushed my own soul far more than any other person ever has, or ever could. That is a rather sickening realization. However, I do not think I am unique in this self inflicted agony. We are brutal to ourselves, too brutal. Self-kindness is a relatively new concept for me, perhaps something that has evolved over the past five or six years. And I am still rather imperfect at the whole self-kindness thing too, but I am not giving up on being nice to me. My inner voice is far more kind than it ever was in my 20's, and let us not even talk about what a bitch my teen inner voice was (UGH!). Resolutions just give my inner voice food for negativity. Accomplishing things in real time, whether it is a blog post, or laundry, or a good book, or a long walk, or playing a game with my kids, is far more important, fulfilling, meaningful, and soul building than tasks checked off a time tabled chart. Sure, goals are necessary at times, but not when they become internal weapons of soul destruction when the standards are not met. Never give up on being nice to yourself...and if resolutions make you feel like a failure, remember, resolutions are for chumps, and you are no chump.
And, sincere apologies for not bringing the lighthearted funny today, sometimes a girl needs to be serious. It is okay to have feelings and feel those matter what your therapist says. And bonus, you learned I am human and not just a snark machine.
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