As you can see from my title this is going to be a rip roaring, very topical, super important, and possibly life changing post. If you believe any of this, please direct yourself away from this page now, before the disappointment changes the core of your being. I can not be held responsible for your declined mental state or that fact that you may, in fact, lose IQ points reading about MY opinion...on opinions. We have all had those conversations that upon the completion you wished there was some actual way to get the time back, and perhaps a small portion of intelligence that was sacrificed . You know the person that knows it all, and tells it all...and is exhausting to hear. You walk away like you have been slugged in the stomach. Doubled over mentally from having to hear all the "great wisdom" this person possesses. It is painful. You wanted to contradict the person, but it would just prolong the conversation you never wanted. Knowing if you argued an opposing opinion you may appear just as head-strong and thought inflexible as the person that is basically, lecturing you on their topic. It is a conundrum. We are all entitled to our opinions, but let us be really honest, some people have really messed up opinions. My opinions are messed up too. My worldview is pretty jacked up.
(I will provide some examples of my messed up worldview at the end...judge for yourself) I own it. It is mine. I will take it to my grave. I am not often very good at verbalizing my opposing viewpoint to other people's jacked up opinions because I have a sarcastic little monster that lives in me that just likes to poke jabs under the radar. This is very poor communication, but it makes me happy to just poke. It could be classified as passive aggressive behavior, and that is a fair assessment. However, my sarcastic nature keeps me in the quasi-good graces of the ultra-opinionated, "
never wrong" people of the world. The people that truly, honestly believe that their opinions are the gospel truth, and thus should be preached. Opposing viewpoints are not welcomed by the "never wrongs". Facts to the contrary are like acid being thrown in their face. The recoil and counter attack is not worth it for me. I am not a "
never wrong". I am wrong a lot. I admit it, apologize if needed, and move on.
There is some notion out there that a personal opinions can not be wrong. Opinions can be very wrong and misguided. They can be right to the individual, but that does not make it universally true. These personal opinions may guide that person, and that is fine as long as that person is aware that the rest of the planet is not held to standards that their opinion sets. And we can all agree that some people are very misguided, non? Here are examples of some of my opinions that guide me through my life, but certainly are not universally true...
- There is a limit on how long you can blame your childhood for your adult problems. The limit is 25 years, if you can not sort yourself out by 25 years of age, get professional help. Yes, we all have baggage from childhood no matter how idyllic or traumatic. Get over it. Go to therapy if you can not put your past in your past. Life is too short to keep reliving your first 18 years. Make peace with it, and do better as an adult. (I may expand this one into a full blog is my best MY opinion)
- Dark chocolate is better than any other type of chocolate.
- Small dogs are just over needy cats that bark. If you like small animals, stick with a cat. Their aloof independence is heartwarming, and they do not pee the floor when guests walk in the front door.
- Men should never color their hair. Silver hair on a man is sexy.
- You can handle anything for 8 weeks.
- Ride the biggest roller-coaster at least once, and never admit that sucked to those have not tried it. Seeing their scared faces and slightly pained necks is worth the lie.
- Honesty is the best policy unless you are talking about roller-coasters, pulling a practical joke, or are trying to get out of a conversation with a "never wrong"
- It is okay to wear gold and silver jewelry at the same time.
- Toe rings are wrong.
- It is okay to be wrong. Sometimes it can be fun.
So those are some of my opinions. I told you some are pretty jacked up, and I am fine with it. If you do not agree with me...don't be me. See how easy that was?
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