There are no "sacred cows" for me...if I can find a humorous take on something, I am going for it. Sorry in advance. I am generally harmless.

Thursday, January 31, 2013
Depending on the Weather
I am keeping it short and sweet today. The weather in Michigan has been insane lately. If weather were capable of being diagnosed with a mental illness, Michigan weather would be on some major mood stabilizers for rapid cycling bipolar disorder. No joke. It is crazy, even for Michigan. Last week we were in the very natural, very expected deep freeze. Single digit and some below zero tempretures, typical Michigan. Then Monday schools were closed because of icy and frozen rain. I shoveled the slush. By the end of the day it was in the mid-40's. Tuesday it rained like it was April. A steady downpour anytime you needed to leave a building, then letting up as soon as you were safely indoors. (You may say I am paranoid, but I know that the rain is out to get me! I know it.). Wednesday went from mild temps in the morning to cold and gusty in the evening. Some rain here and there (only when I left my car or buildings...of course). Now we at Thursday, cold and windy with snow flurries. Which out of all the days this week is the most acceptable with me because it is January appropriate weather. The weather messes with my hair, moods, and sinuses. The kids do not know when to wear boots and heavy coats or rain gear. The dog goes from frozen, to muddy, back to frozen. (And my poor dog is from Alabama and constantly looks surprised every time she sets foot outside). The only thing I can depend on the weather for is constant confusion. Thank goodness I did not marry a meteorologist. That would have been a recipe for some serious trust issues. Stay warm, or dry, or enjoy the unseasonably warmth or whatever may apply once this is posted.
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