First of all this has nothing credit card or identity theft. This has to do with math. I am a math fraud that is about to be exposed. I have never enjoyed math. I have taught elementary math. While teaching math I never let on that I am no fan of mathematics. No, in fact I would talk about math like it was an old friend. I would sing the praises of long division whist talking through the annoyingly long process.
- Fractions are fun.
- Multiplication is marvelous.
- Subtraction is sublime.
- Addition is amazing.
Yes, I have said all of those things. I may have even made bulletin boards about all the awesome functions of mathematics. The truth is I really do not like math, at all. I am just an expert at putting a good spin on a bad subject. This fake love of math has served me well. My kids think I like math. I have helped them with homework over the years and they have heard the happy song and dance about how awesome numbers and math are. However, they were young and the math was easy. Now my daughter is in pre-algebra. The terms she talks about sound familiar, but I can no longer keep up the charade that I am wise on all things mathematical. I am likely to to be more of a hindrance than a help if she asks me a homework question now. My daughter is about to learn that I am a math fraud. No great confessions are going to made. No, it will be a subtle realization on her part that her mother is not a math girl. I wish were, but I am not. My daughter is a math girl. She has always liked math and science. My husband is an engineer and a gifted math man. She takes after him in her linear, logical, science based mind. I am word girl, and now my words have gotten me in trouble.
Now, I am am a fraud. Soon to be exposed. Perhaps I should have never overstated my love of math. My mother always said she hated math and was bad at it. So it was easy for me to feel the same way. I never wanted my daughter to feel the same way. In my zeal to turn the tides and have a math loving kid, I overstated my case, and now I must live my fraud existence. I know that my daughter will be good at math, even when she finds out I am not a math fan. I am just feeling a little glum that she will know I am a fraud.
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