Friday, March 16, 2012

Five for Friday

Today I blog to you from my hair dresser's chair. It is color time. It has been a busy week...but I will get to that in my five things...maybe.

1. I am really bad about getting my hair done. I love the results. I hate the greys. However, sitting and waiting for the magic to happen drives me nuts. Thus, today I am writing while things develop or process or whatever they call it.

2. Chicken Shwarma. My beautiful daughter had a day off school yesterday and we went out for lunch. It was such good fortune on my part that she wanted Middle Eastern food. We also had a nice talk over our very garlicky lunches. She had felafel, since she is not eating meat currently. I got two fixes in one, yummy food and the best company in the world. What a blessing.

3. Planting & Growing with Wolves. I am a den leader for my son's Wolf Cub Scouts. Eight energetic 2nd graders planting vegetable and grass seed went better than I expected. I had a vision of soil and water all over. Fortunately we went outside to plant our tiny container gardens. The funniest thing was one boy having a minor fit over having dirty hands from planting. I am not sure there is a clean way to plant. If there is I have never learned it. Never before has this boy had an issue with being messy. It must have been the day.

4. Unseasonable warmth. It is a record. The furnace was turned off at my house on Monday. Never in the month of March, in Michigan, have I turned off the heat. We also opened the windows. I am starting to think I have moved into another climate. I only shoveled once this winter. ONCE. Crazy. I am not complaining, just a bit thrown off by the oddness of it all.

5. Looking for "Followers". Not actual people to follow me around and doing my bidding (although, if you know someone that is crazy enough to do that...I will meet them for coffee). Once again I ask you my sweet reader to follow my blog (look to the right and do what it says). Also if you really enjoy a post you read here, please share it with a friend, or on your Face Book or Twitter feed. I also welcome comments, always. Thanks for reading and giving me more inspiration to write.

Happy Weekend. Here is to new color and WiFi!


  1. Good luck on the followers. It's a long road to attracting new peeps, but the best thing you can do is comment on other blogs that you like =) (not a shameless plug, but the best suggestion I've gotten concerning followers) Also, unless someone has a google account, the whole google friend connect thing won't work (so I'm told). That's why i switched to FB.

  2. Yes, you need a Facebook age and follower thingie:)

    The furnace has been turned off in North Dakota! It was 80 degrees two days in a row as well. And, since we are now window poor...we were able o open all of our windows and air this stinky place out! Yay for spring...early even!

  3. Trying to figure that one out....
