I am fully in support of all the celebrities, politicians, and media personalities getting behind the statement,
It Will Get Better. I am one who often thinks that the media focuses on the wrong things, but this time the media has latched on to a good, no, a GREAT message. This seems to mostly be focused at teens that are struggling with bullying because of their sexuality or what others assume their sexual orientation may be. Sadly, some of these teens and young adults find that committing suicide is the solution to their problems. Sadly, they will never know that it will get better. First of all I will put it out there, I do not think sexual orientation is a choice. I firmly believe that a person is born gay, straight, or bisexual. Since I do not think a "choice" of sexual orientation is ever made, I also believe that whatever you are is perfectly okay. Society has not fully caught up with my way of thinking. It has gotten better, but not good enough. I know that many disagree with my belief that you are born a particular sexual orientation. I have argued with these people...at length. My question to the "sexual preference is a choice" people is:
When did you decide to be heterosexual? It is always heterosexuals who seem to be of the bend that "a choice" was made. I am heterosexual, and I will tell you I never made a choice about it. I just like dudes. No real explanation why, that is just what does it for me in intimate situations. No choice, just the way I am wired.
Anyway, I love the message, "it will get better". I recall being a teen and often feeling distraught over squabbles with a boyfriend, or friends that were being "meanies", or numerous other issues that happen when you are a teen. It was a dramatic time. It was a confusing time. Thankfully, it was a moment in time, and it got better. Truth be told, being a teenager really is quite awful. If you can endure age 12-18, you can do anything. People are mean. Hormones are garbage. It is a very hard time. Whether you are gay, straight, or uncertain. It gets better. The media people are not full of it, it will all get better. Strangely at some point during my first year of college so many of my insecurities and self-conscious issues fell away. There was some moment that I realized all I am, good, bad and indifferent, added up to one pretty awesome person. I also realized that everyone does not have to love me or approve of me. Suddenly, my life got better. The distance from high school drama, made so many things better. Perfect? No. Still have not hit on the "perfect life" yet. It all gets better. Life gets sweeter with time.
I want all teenagers to know whether they are straight, gay, popular, the loner, the nerd, or whatever label that have been assigned that it gets better. High School is just a moment. Endure it. It will make you stronger. Yes, it can suck pretty bad. However, we all have a higher purpose and it is not necessarily to be prom kings and queens. It is okay to be different. I personally only like really unique people that see the world in cool and different ways. No, being unique is not easy in high school, but it will get better. You will find your place in the world. You will find a community. You will find your peeps. Then you will find your wings. Don't give up.