The title pretty much says it, I am not a big fan of Halloween. Yes, I dress up the kids, carve pumpkins, decorate the house (a little) and buy candy for the trick or treaters, but I do so grudgingly. Today I was at an appointment and the office manager asked me what I dressing up as for Halloween. WHAT? It was a medical appointment, she had my chart, she knows my exact age, and still asked me what I was going to be for Halloween. Even more odd (to me) is this person seemed shocked when I said, "Not planning on dressing up". I do not care that many adults do dress up and participate fully in the festivities, but please respect that some people have never really been that keen on dressing up. It is not strange that I do not like dressing up as some character. If I could just dress up in a chic cocktail dress with fancy hair and make-up, I would. However, this would just be Allie dressed up for a special occasion. It would also look very silly as a I walk my kids door to door begging candy. I love to dress up, just not as a character. Did not like it as a kid either. Call me defective, but I just am not into it.
Halloween also annoys me because of all the candy. The kids seem very happy to collect tons of candy, count it, sort it, and trade it. I am then saddled with the task of slowly throwing it away in increments so small that it will not be noticed. Everyday, grabbing handfuls, making sure that some really precious treat is not accidentally tossed. No way in hell are the kids going to eat all that candy, and neither is my spouse (much to his dismay). Sure, they love to trick or treat, but honestly I look forward to the time they are no longer interested. I am sick of my deceptive candy removal tactics. It makes me feel sneaky and cheap, but their teeth will thank me later.
I apologize for no joyful post about the fun costumes and excitement about sweet treats. I can't love everything. However, I am starting my countdown to Thanksgiving. That is a holiday I really love. Family, food, thankfulness, and football, that is the recipe for a great holiday. Truth be told I really just enjoy the football for background noise for my Thanksgiving turkey induced nap. I will suffer through Halloween on my excited march to Thanksgiving Thursday.